An Interview with Rachel Millard

Rachel Millard, media and promotions coordinator, is an interviewee for the English Club's social media campaign #PeopleOfFriends. Thank you, Rachel!

What does your job at Friends University involve?

I work in the Marketing Office of the university. I am mostly responsible for the recruitment pieces for the adult student population (adult bachelor’s and graduate school). I place our ads in the papers and on the radio, and I also do some online marketing and work with our student workers on content writing and ad design. I also create mass email marketing campaigns for Friends University.

What brought you here?

When I first applied at Friends, it was because I could finish my college degree – something I should have done at 22 but didn't for a number of reasons. When I considered returning to college as an adult, I also found that I wanted to work here as well.

How has Friends University shaped who you are today?

I have worked at Friends for just over 11 years, and the university has seen lots of changes throughout that time. One thing that has remained a constant is the positive and welcoming attitude of the university. I truly enjoy working in higher education because you can see the benefits of the product we are selling in our students, every day! Seeing that has shaped my appreciation for what I do and the place I do it because I know I am helping people achieve a better future.

What do you like the most about the university?

I love how great the students are. It is so refreshing and encouraging to be in the midst of such smart and mannered students. Friends attracts some really great people – students and staff!

What is your greatest contribution to Friends?

I don't know that I have one great contribution. I think or hope I have small daily contributions. I love seeing our student workers grow up and become these wonderful adults! Sometimes I "mother" them because I am proud of them.

How would you describe yourself?

I like to laugh, and I love my family and my dogs. I'm serious when I need to be and silly when I can be. I am pretty mellow and don't get rattled too easily – there is just no sense in overreacting to things. I enjoy reading and spending time outside. I have a strong faith. I am a creative with an analytical, logical thought process. I definitely prefer to fly under the radar and just do my thing without any fuss given to me.

How do you give back to the Wichita community, the campus community, and/or the world?

I do volunteer work with the United Way Read to Succeed initiative, fundraise and do walks for various organizations in the Wichita area. I give to Friends University regularly through payroll deduction.

What is one thing you want to tell the people of Friends University, Wichita, and/or the world?

It really is attitude that shapes your life's situations and outcomes. A positive, loving, open to listening, creative attitude can open up your life to such beauty and satisfaction.


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