Lore Explores The Darkest Regions Of The Human Mind...And History

"Lore" is a podcast hosted by Aaron Mehnke that delves into some of the darkest horror stories told around the world, but there's a catch:

These stories are completely true.

At least, these stories are true as far as historical documentation and eye-witnesses are concerned. The podcast utilizes effective research, writing, and story-telling to deliver a tale packaged with excellent music and sound design.

The podcast is typically divided into five major segments, starting with a short introductory tale and a tie-in to the rest of the topic.

After the introduction, Mehnke will then delve into the details of the story. Here, analytical and suspenseful music will play, setting the stage for the listener to focus on the topic and question the rules of reality as far as we know it.

During this detail-oriented section, Mehnke will provide his sources and discuss their reliability. The stories told are often supported by prominent figures in the area such as journalists, historians, or government officials and are given specific details like time, place, and persons involved.

These things combine to present a cohesive story that gives listeners little room for doubt even if the tale is as unbelievable as werewolves or ghosts.

Following the details of the story, Mehnke then tells the story as best as he can, citing his sources throughout. The music picks up at this point, often becoming unsettling and leaving the listener leaning closer to the speaker Mehnke's calm voice is emanating from as though it were the only thing between them and the strange paranormal world described.

After presenting the story, Mehnke will then offer theories given by historians who have studied the phenomena he presented. The music will slow back to a rendition of the titular track while he offers explanations that range from believable to unbelievable, leaving the listener the final choice.

Finally, the music will conclude with a calming motif as Mehnke invites the listener to return next time for more chilling and true tales.

Overall, the podcast is effective in engaging listeners and encouraging them to challenge their preconceived notions of the world. The combination of competent sound mixing and an original soundtrack that promotes speculation and suspense, along with Mehnke's natural voice, provide an eerie-yet-educational experience that many will enjoy.

Overall, I find the podcast to be interesting and worth listening to, especially in a world where most mysteries are explained away by a quick "Oh, that was just the wind," or other immediate, logical answer.

The podcast uses reliable sources and engaging storytelling to force listeners to doubt that initial logic which, even if it only works for a split-second, triggers the imagination in exciting and terrifying ways.

I would recommend this podcast for fans of horror stories as well as that one friend who might be a little too smug in their logic or science based perception of the world.

And, if listening to podcasts isn't your thing, Amazon recently released a web series on their video streaming platform that is definitely worth looking into.


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